Friday, October 29, 2010

What I'm Going to Present at a Business School Marketing Class

I was recently invited to give a presentation at a "Principles of Marketing" class at a local university. I'm really flattered to have been asked! In thinking about what to present, I've decided that I'm going to give a detailed tour of my marketing efforts. I don't know whether these intitives will contradict what the professor teaches or not but it should be fun! Here's my partial agenda:
- Describe our business and target market
- List my current ongoing marketing initiatives (e-newsletter, website, webinars and seminars, blog, letters, postcards, holiday cards)
- Show the marketing consultant website that I subscribe to and resources therein and master direct marketer, Dan Kennedy
- Share and discuss the list of recent marketing books I've read

I'll report back to let you know how it went.