Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Held our first webinar and survived!

Since August, we've been holding seminars at our office in order to provide continuing value to our current clients and to bring in prospects. Today, we finally hosted our first webinar and it was successful! I'd give it a 7 out of 10. We had an audio problem for about the first 3 minutes and then we ended up veering off the commercial/business focus. I think with practice we'll be old hands and probably do really well. I was proud of my husband (co-owner and CEO of the company) for providing great information, for me for setting it up, and for our attendees who participated! All in all I think it was a valuable experience!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Email Marketing

I love using email marketing. I think it's really effective IF those who receive it actually open it. Therein lies the rub, as Shakespeare pointed out! I use Constant Contact and really enjoy doing it. But it's not the only arrow in my marketing quiver. People ignore email, block people, don't have time, forget--you name it. So, good old-fashioned mail is another option.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Getting Things Done Guru Shares His Wisdom

David Allen, well-known process and organizational guru, spoke at a conference I attended last week. I love how he lays out what the major issues are facing pretty much everyone. First, we need to identify the problems and issues we need to face. Second, we need to develop a plan of action and an outcome plan. Then, we need to DO it. And sometimes, we should decide NOT to do something and in so doing, have resolved the problem. Yea!!!